Not at all鏄粈涔堟剰鎬濓紵
发布日期:2025-01-04 11:01 点击次数:150
涓€鐐逛篃涓嶏紱鍒姘擭ot at all 鏄彛璇腑涓€涓崄鍒嗗父鐢ㄧ殑琛ㄨ揪锛屽叾瀹為檯鎰忔€濆線寰€涓庡叾瀛楅潰鎰忔€濈浉鍘荤敋杩滀竴銆佺敤浜庡洖绛旀劅璋紝鎰忎负鈥滀笉鐢ㄨ阿锛涗笉瀹㈡皵鈥濄€?br />濡傦細A锛歵hank you very much. 澶氳阿浣犱簡銆? B锛歂ot at all. 涓嶅姘斻€?br />A锛歍hanks for helping me. 璋㈣阿浣犲府鍔╂垜銆? B锛歂ot at all. I enjoyed it. 鍒姘旓紝寰堥珮鍏磋兘甯綘銆侫锛歵hank you very much. 闈炲父鎰熻阿浣犮€? B锛歂ot at all. It was the least I could do. 涓嶇敤璋紝杩欐槸鎴戝簲璇ュ仛鐨勩€?br />浜屻€佺敤浜庡洖绛斿甫鏈夋劅璋㈡€ц川鐨勫濂楄瘽锛屾剰涓衡€滄病浠€涔堬紱鍝噷鍝噷鈥濄€?br />濡傦細A锛歒ou are very kind. 浣犵湡濂姐€侭锛歂ot at all. 娌′粈涔堛€?br />A锛欼t鈥檚 very kind of you. 浣犵湡瀹㈡皵銆侭锛歂ot at all. 鍝噷鍝噷銆?br />涓夈€佺敤浜庡洖绛旈亾姝夛紝鎰忎负鈥滄病鍏崇郴鈥濄€傚锛欰锛欼鈥檓 sorry I鈥檓 late. 瀵逛笉璧凤紝鎴戣繜鍒颁簡銆侭锛歄h, not at all, do come in. 鍣紝娌″叧绯伙紝璇疯繘鏉ャ€?br />A锛欼鈥檓 sorry to keep you waiting. 瀵逛笉璧?璁╀綘涔呯瓑浜嗐€侭锛歄h, not at all. I鈥檝e been here only a few minutes. 鍝︼紝娌″叧绯伙紝鎴戜篃鍒氬埌鍑犲垎閽熴€?br />鍥涖€佺敤鏉ヨ〃绀哄惁瀹?鏄疦o鐨勫姞寮鸿娉?锛屾剰涓衡€滀竴鐐逛篃涓嶏紱瀹屽叏涓嶁€濄€?br />濡傦細A锛欰re you busy? 浣犲繖鍚?B锛歂ot at all. 涓€鐐逛笉蹇欍€?br />A锛欼s it difficult to study English? 鑻辫闅惧鍚?B锛歂ot at all. 涓€鐐逛笉闅俱€?br />A锛欼鈥檒l be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 鎴戣鍥犲叕鍑哄樊锛岃甯垜鐓х湅涓€涓嬫垜鐨勭尗锛屼綘浠嬫剰鍚?B锛歂ot at all. I鈥檒l be happy to. 涓€鐐逛笉浠嬫剰锛屾垜寰堜箰鎰忋€?
鎰忔€濇槸锛氫竴鐐逛篃涓嶏紱鍒姘?娌′粈涔堬紝鍝効鐨勮瘽;骞朵笉;涓嶈阿Not at all 鏄彛璇腑涓€涓崄鍒嗗父鐢ㄧ殑琛ㄨ揪锛屽叾瀹為檯鎰忔€濆線寰€涓庡叾瀛楅潰鎰忔€濈浉鍘荤敋杩?br />涓€銆佺敤浜庡洖绛旀劅璋紝鎰忎负鈥滀笉鐢ㄨ阿锛涗笉瀹㈡皵鈥濄€傚锛?br />A锛歵hank you very much. 澶氳阿浣犱簡銆?br />B锛歂ot at all. 涓嶅姘斻€?br />A锛歍hanks for helping me. 璋㈣阿浣犲府鍔╂垜銆?br />B锛歂ot at all. I enjoyed it. 鍒姘旓紝寰堥珮鍏磋兘甯綘銆?br />A锛歵hank you very much. 闈炲父鎰熻阿浣犮€?br />B锛歂ot at all. It was the least I could do. 涓嶇敤璋紝杩欐槸鎴戝簲璇ュ仛鐨勩€?br />浜屻€佺敤浜庡洖绛斿甫鏈夋劅璋㈡€ц川鐨勫濂楄瘽锛屾剰涓衡€滄病浠€涔堬紱鍝噷鍝噷鈥濄€傚锛?br />A锛歒ou are very kind. 浣犵湡濂姐€?br />B锛歂ot at all. 娌′粈涔堛€?br />A锛欼t鈥檚 very kind of you. 浣犵湡瀹㈡皵銆?br />B锛歂ot at all. 鍝噷鍝噷銆?br />涓夈€佺敤浜庡洖绛旈亾姝夛紝鎰忎负鈥滄病鍏崇郴鈥濄€傚锛?br />A锛欼鈥檓 sorry I鈥檓 late. 瀵逛笉璧凤紝鎴戣繜鍒颁簡銆?br />B锛歄h, not at all, do come in. 鍣紝娌″叧绯伙紝璇疯繘鏉ャ€?br />A锛欼鈥檓 sorry to keep you waiting. 瀵逛笉璧?璁╀綘涔呯瓑浜嗐€?br />B锛歄h, not at all. I鈥檝e been here only a few minutes. 鍝︼紝娌″叧绯伙紝鎴戜篃鍒氬埌鍑犲垎閽熴€?br />鍥涖€佺敤鏉ヨ〃绀哄惁瀹?鏄疦o鐨勫姞寮鸿娉?锛屾剰涓衡€滀竴鐐逛篃涓嶏紱瀹屽叏涓嶁€濄€傚锛?br />A锛欰re you busy? 浣犲繖鍚?B锛歂ot at all. 涓€鐐逛笉蹇欍€?br />A锛欼s it difficult to study English? 鑻辫闅惧鍚?B锛歂ot at all. 涓€鐐逛笉闅俱€?br />A锛欼鈥檒l be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 鎴戣鍥犲叕鍑哄樊锛岃甯垜鐓х湅涓€涓嬫垜鐨勭尗锛屼綘浠嬫剰鍚?B锛歂ot at all. I鈥檒l be happy to. 涓€鐐逛笉浠嬫剰锛屾垜寰堜箰鎰忋€?
涓€銆佹牴鏈笉锛屽畬鍏ㄤ笉锛屼竴鐐逛篃涓嶏紱浜屻€乕瀹㈠璇璢娌′粈涔堬紝鍒姘旓紝鍝効璇濓紝涓嶇敤璋?(= [缇庡浗鑻辫]You're welcome.)渚嬪彞锛?br />They were all of one mind on this subject.鍦ㄨ繖涓棶棰樹笂浠栦滑鐨勬剰瑙佸畬鍏ㄤ竴鑷淬€?br />1.He felt himself at last absolutely free.1.浠栬寰楄嚜宸辩粓鏂煎畬鍏ㄨ嚜鐢变簡銆?br />2.I didn't want to be associated with it at all.2.鎴戞牴鏈笉鎯充笌杩欎簨鏈夌壍杩炪€?br />3.That hotel doesn't rate five stars at all.3.閭e鏃呴鏍规湰澶熶笉涓婁簲鏄熺骇銆?
not at all鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滀竴鐐逛篃涓嶁€濓紝鏄惁瀹氬彞寮鸿皟鐨勪竴绉嶆柟娉曘€?br />寮鸿皟鍚﹀畾鍙ョ殑鏃跺€欙紝鍙互鎶婂惁瀹氬瓧鏀惧湪鍙ラ寮曡捣鐨勫€掕锛屾垨鑰呯敤not at all銆乥y no means鏉ヨ〃绀哄己璋冿紝濡傦細Never again will we make such a mistake.Never does he go to school late.Never is he late for school.The dress doesn't suit her at all.By no means is English an easy language.By no means am I a thief.
涓€鐐逛篃涓?褰撶劧鍙互 鏍规湰涓?鍒姘?